Saturday, December 14, 2019

Final Video!

Final Touches

Before the poster session, we improved the movement using joysticks to make turning easier and less jarring. Previously, we had the Oculus default motion settings. In our evaluation we heard that these settings were not very comfortable, so we decided to change them and adjust the values to more comfortable numbers.

We also worked on adding instructions to the menu screen so users can get a sense of how to play Math in Motion without a developer next to them to instruct them.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Bug Fixing

Recently we fixed several bugs that made the Math in Motion experience less fluid. We also improved the UI so it is easier to navigate between levels.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Distance Grab and Teleportation!

We just implemented distance grab, which allows users to grab numbers that would normally be out of their reach. The user can point their hand at a number and see an indicator of whether that number is within grabbing range. If it is, then they can pull the trigger on their controller, and the number will fly into their hand. The makes numbers easier and more fun to interact with.

We also added teleportation to the main menu, so users can explore their environment in a new way.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Challenge Mode!

The newest addition to Math in Motion is called "Challenge Mode". This is a new level we created to test the math skills of the user. Unlike in other levels, in Challenge Mode the user does not have access to their number belt. Instead, the must use motion to navigate their environment to find the numbers they
need to solve math problems. There are two problems the user must solve, one involving addition and one involving multiplication.

This level is set in an environment with many obstacles so the user must explore in order to solve the problems. We added a new number interaction mechanism called "distance grab", so the user can pull numbers to their hand from a distance - like using the force. This allows for a more fun interaction with numbers and lets the user get numbers in hard to reach places.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

11-14 Update: Motion

This past week since the previous update, we have added motion to our math game. The user is now able to use the joysticks on their controller to explore the virtual scene and find new things to interact with. Our plan is to implement more than one motion mechanism so users will be able to choose which ever one they are most comfortable with.

As of now, users can move either with their joysticks on the controller, or by actually walking in their physical space. We believe adding motion to this VR experience will make it more interactive and engaging for users.

We have also used this past week to refine our number interaction mechanisms so everything is easier and more fluid.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

11-07 Update: Numbers and UI

The first two weeks of our project plan involved developing a UI and finalizing design choices by prototyping some of our ideas in VR.

Our UI currently consists of a main menu from which the user can use their VR controller to start the game. The controller uses a ray-cast so users can select the start button as if they had a laser pointer.

We have also added methods for users to interact with numbers. A user can click a button on their controller to create what we call a 'number belt', which is the semi-circle of numbers around the controller. Users can use their second hand to select a number which will spawn it in the world and allow them to interact with it.

The blue cube behind the numbers is the 'multiply-block'. Users can throw numbers at this block to multiply them together. We also have an addition block.